Follow Builder gunprakan
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This time, for the first time, I tried SD conversion using "MG". Except for the head, all parts of "MG νGundam Ver.Ka" have been modified to SD size. Originally, "HGUC" is just the right size, but can't the details of "MG" be used for "SD"? I "suddenly" came up with this idea.
However, while I thought that "MG" is a completely different size and "SD" wouldn't fit, when I put them together, it turned out to be a better fit than I thought.
After that, I struggled with how to shrink it to SD size. It's much bigger than the normal "SD", but I think it has a certain "SD" feel to it. In addition, details have been improved by arranging each part uniquely.
Since "MG" is used, the number of parts at the time of painting is insanely large! For the coloring, I tried to paint separately while adding some arrangements. Please check the image below for details.
I think it turned out pretty cool. Well, please take a look at it.
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