The universe of "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM" expands further with the exciting introduction of the "Infinite Justice Gundam Type 2" in the form of a high-grade (HG) kit. This meticulously crafted model breathes life into the iconic mobile suit, blending intricate details with dynamic flexibility, catering to the preferences of both enthusiasts and collectors alike.
Key Features of the HG Infinite Justice Gundam Type II:
SEED Action System: At the core of this model lies the ingenious 'SEED Action System,' an internal structure meticulously crafted to emulate the iconic action stances from the "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Series." This system ensures a perfect balance of stability and flexibility, enabling the figure to effortlessly maintain dynamic poses.
Enhanced Leg Articulation: In a bid to capture the fluid movements witnessed in the series, this model introduces an additional rotation axis to the legs. This innovative design facilitates a more natural and flexible "leg bending" motion, empowering collectors to recreate moments from the film with remarkable precision.
Anchor Injection Representation: Elevating its realism, the figure incorporates a lead wire, allowing for the authentic portrayal of anchor injection deployment. This meticulous attention to detail reflects the sophisticated design elements inherent in the Gundam universe.
Dynamic Backpack with Wings:The backpack of the Infinite Justice Gundam stands out as a design marvel. It showcases four independently extendable wings, providing enhanced mobility by moving up and down. Additionally, each wing incorporates a beam effect section, offering stunning display options. The backpack is detachable and features metallic gloss pieces, elevating its visual appeal with a genuine metallic shine for a remarkably realistic appearance.
Head Effect Parts:Setting it apart, this model includes effect parts that can be attached to the Gundam's head, giving it a combat-ready and distinctive look.
Array of Weaponry:Drawing inspiration from "Mobile Suit Gundam SEED FREEDOM," the figure comes armed with an array of weapons and effect parts. These include beam sabers, shields, and a beam rifle. Notably, the beam boomerang on the shield is detachable and can be held in the Gundam's hand, enabling diverse battle scenarios.
Accessories Included:
- Beam Rifle x 1
- Beam Saber x 2
- Shield x 1
- Beam Shield x 1
- Effect Parts x 1 set
- Hand Parts x 1 set
- Lead Wire x 1
- Sticker Seal x 1